Who Am I?

“Who am I?” Karen Joyce Bonofiglio.
I can tell you that I’m woman on this earth, I’m a mother, grandmother, sister, aunt and a friend. I’m smart. I’m sassy. I’m a bit bossy. I’m extremely loving and come from my heart with total vulnerability.  

  I know that I am a living, breathing human experiencing all of life. While, at the same time, I’m also a spiritual being, here to express pure love in its highest form. In other words, I am a spiritual being having a human experience, in real-time—just like you, and everyone else on this planet.  

    My husband’s sudden death is what catapulted me into this new role of author. I was “told” to write about my experiences with extreme grief and trauma. I had to share what I learned, I was to help others with my loss. It was so overwhelming, and it was and still is lifechanging. I am hopeful you’ll read my first book as it explains the “why” behind this website.  

  Being a ‘Spiritualist’ is more of a lifelong calling/identity that I used to just dabble in, but this calling was bigger than me and now I have incorporated its importance into my everyday life, my writing, and my teachings, my YouTube Channel, and wherever it’s appropriate.  

  I have always been highly intuitive and listened to my inner voice. My abilities have increased in the last four years, and I can see the dead, hear messages from the Heavenly realms, feel spirit, channel, talk to my Heavenly Team and my loved ones behind the veil and receive messages. It is now a guiding force in my life.   
Bliss to you!  Karen

I look forward to connecting with you and sharing more about her experiences in education, writing, and her current projects.


Phone : 503-626-4022

